Monday, May 18, 2009

Sound Sleep Really Helps!!!

I had a very busy Sunday and when i got back home at night i was having fever and headache . Somehow i managed to have shower and got my dinner and few sleeping pills . And i slept well, not a sound sleep though , i wont tell it sound sleep cause i was up in couple of occasions and in the morning when i was up finally nothing was changed , i was still having that bad headache so i called my office to grant me a day off and decided to sleep again. So i slept and this time when i woke up it was noon and i cant imagine how time ran that first!! Cause it seemed to me i just slept for 5 seconds and a bonus is that my headache was completely gone .

Being a webdeveloper and facing tough deadline sound sleep , to me, is a very rare thing !! But at least there are some times when i can have it and the most important part is after having that sort of sound sleep i felt very fresh to pass sometimes with blogs and cant resist to post something about the sound sleep .

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